Business Security Audit

The Association's experts based on their vast professional experience and best international practices are ready to assist and analyze the security systems of your company whatever business area it operates in. This includes:

Diagnosis of the current state and assessment of the maturity of the company's security system; Assessment of existing controls and risk management technologies in key business processes; Identification of growth points and directions for the function's long-term development including recommendations for the target model transition.

The core areas of any analysis are as follows: Organizational structures and security teams Regulatory documents governing functional and cross-functional processes Existing control systems in key business processes Risk management tools and technologies Roles and competencies of employees Resources and budget of the security department.

Upon the audit completion we provide a detailed findings report .

The average professional experience of the board members is at least 25 years old !

The total amount of savings in successfully implemented business security function projects over the period of professional activity exceeds 600 billion rubles! !

The audit includes:

Development of customized audit programs for different types of businesses

Analysis of the organizational and staff structure, internal regulatory documents and budgets of the security department

Revision of core security expenses

Interviews with security employees, key managers, and stakeholders

Risk analysis in business processes according to an agreed list

Analysis of existing controls in economic, physical, and information securities including personnel security, due diligence, support of contractual and tender work, operational process controls, anti–corruption activities, security of facilities and anti-terrorism security, information protection, compliance of processing and protection of personal data and commercially sensitive information, etc.

Recommendations upon the audit completion on:

  • Focusing Security Council goals on achieving strategic business goals
  • Adjusting the objectives of Security to the strategic goals of the business
  • Изменение организационной структуры СБ в соответствии со спецификой бизнеса и выполняемыми бизнес-процессами
  • Improving the organizational structure of the Department considering the specifics of the business and business processes
  • List of processes and controls appropriate for implementation
  • Proposals for the structure and regulation the Department
  • Description of opportunities to improve the quality and productivity of security processes
  • Recommendations on KPIs including those obligatory to meet

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5 bld, block 1, Kotsyubinskogo str., Moscow 121351 Russia

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+7 (499) 705-14-70

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